
Take a deeper dive into how The Secure Plans Simplifies Savings




Clients can rely on The Secure Plans’ experienced administration and reliable stop-loss coverage.



Nine quality plans delivering Reference Based Pricing. Three are HSA-compatible.



Level-premium means no surprise charges and composite rates help clients budget with confidence.


Self-Funded Plans

Clients keep 100% of claims surplus and are protected against higher than expected claims.


PLUS: Refund Assisters and Reference Based Pricing

The Secure Plans’ unique Refund Assisters — including wellness and telemedicine — helps employers keep claims expenses in check, making refunds more likely. At the same time, Reference Based Pricing combined with patient advocacy dramatically reduces premiums.

PLUS: Optional Networks

The Secure Plans’ RBP approach lowers costs. Groups who enjoy the benefits of networks unique can easily add them. Employers  with 10 or more employees can replace the RBP program with Cigna’s full, national network. Or employers of any size can enjoy the savings RBP delivers in connection with facilities and durable goods, but select physician-only networks from 6 Degrees Health or PHCS.

The Secure Plans

The advantages of self-funding combined with protection from runaway claims costs and
the additional savings Reference Based Pricing delivers.

Comprehensive, affordable medical coverage that:

  • Secures the health of employees and their families
  • Secures  the bottom line of employers
  • Secures the businesses of our distribution partners
  • Secures against run-away benefit costs

Delivered by an All-Star Team

  • Stop-Loss through an A.M. Best rated A or better carriers
  • Administration by The Loomis Company
  • RBP patient advocacy networks from 6 Degrees Health
  • Optional Networks through Cigna and PHCS